My word for 2023

I sat down to meditate on January 1 after an unintended long hiatus. The holidays were wonderfully full of gatherings with family and friends, but as the new year began, I felt scattered. I’m someone who needs a lot of alone time (highly sensitive introvert here…nice to meet you). I crave time daily to think deeply, introspect honestly, create wildly, and exercise my curiosity. As the holidays go, that hadn’t been possible in a couple of weeks. Pile that on top of newborn life and, well, I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to simply just be.

So, as I sat on my meditation cushion early that morning, with a candle burning and the hope that all 3 boys (my husband included) would stay in their respective beds for a few more minutes, I let the quiet hush over me. And then, almost instantly, I heard my word for this year: Centered. Ahh, that felt perfect.

I want to be the strong tree, with freedom to move with the elements and a solid root system to stay grounded.

I want to be the deepest parts of the ocean, with life moving in and around me, unaffected by the restless waves.

I want to be centered, grounded, embodied, and internally at peace.

That’s my vision.

My word for 2023 is CENTERED.

How will I achieve this? Here’s my plan:

  1. First, I’ll acknowledge that I won’t be centered 100% of the time. Obviously. Let’s set realistic expectations here.

  2. Second, I’ll commit to being aware. Any shift must begin with awareness. When I feel scattered, anxious, or deeply affected by circumstances beyond my control, I’ll pause and recognize that I’m off-center. I’ll observe how I’m responding to those feelings and then . . .

  3. I’ll reach for a tool that I know brings me back to center. For me, this could include:

    • a single, deep breath or a more involved breathing technique, like 4-7-8

    • a workout

    • a beach walk or nature hike

    • journaling

    • a mantra like, “I am grounded in my center, unaffected by the swirl around me”

    • laughing with my husband

    • playing with my children

    • feeling my feet on the earth

    • a bath

    • a cup of tea

    • a few minutes in meditation

My intention is that by December, I’ll be proud of all the moments I recognized being off-balanced and was quickly able to re-establish my center. That will be the mark of a successful year.


Training the brain for self-awareness


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